Digital accessability statement

This is the website of the Port of Norrköping. We want as many people as possible to be able to use the website. This document describes how complies with the law on accessibility to digital public services, any known accessibility problems and how you can report deficiencies to us so that we can fix them.

Our goal is that the content on our website can be perceived, handled and understood by all users, regardless of, for example, disabilities or aids. Our goal is to achieve at least basic accessibility by complying with WCAG 2.1 level AA.

Here we describe:

•How complies with the law on accessibility to digital public services. the accessibility issues we know about and how we plan to fix them.
•How you can report deficiencies in accessibility on our website.
•How you can contact us to request content from the website that is not available to you.

How accessible is

This website is partially compliant with the Act on Accessibility to Digital Public Services. The content that is not yet available and how we plan to fix the issues are presented below.

Known accessibility issues

Currently, we are aware that we have not managed to meet all the criteria of WCAG 2.1 AA in some parts of the website, including:

•Most of the documents on the website are accessible. Individual documents are not available.
•Some parts of our web pages have insufficient color contrast, especially illustrations and maps.

•My pages with customer zone and underlying support system do not currently meet the requirements to be accessible.

This is how we plan to remedy the shortcomings

The Port of Norrköping works continuously with accessibility on our websites in the following way:

• We improve pdf documents and illustrations on an ongoing basis and as needed.
• We strive to provide alternatives to those parts of the web that lack color contrast, such as diagrams, by offering the information in tables or summaries in text.
• We continuously produce checklists and support that facilitate daily work and development initiatives.
• We work with competence-enhancing measures.
• Ongoing work to adapt the accessibility of is ongoing.

Website tested by external party
We have tested the website and our web services and, based on this, fixed the shortcomings that were possible to fix in our existing framework and environment.

Report deficiencies in accessibility

We are constantly striving to improve the website’s accessibility. If you find accessibility issues, or if you need content from the site that is not available to you, please let us know so we know the problem exists. You can find our contact details here.

Contact the regulatory authority

The authority Agency for Digital Government (DIGG) is responsible for the supervision of the law on accessibility to digital public services. If you are not satisfied with how we meet the requirements for accessibility, you can contact DIGG and report it.